~ G A L A C T I L L U S T R A T I O N S ~
I started this series off with an Illustration of the Evenstar necklace from the Lord of the Rings. I have a replica that I wear often and wanted to make something special for my inspiration and fellow streamer, Mitch (Freakmeister1 on Twitch)
~ G A L A C T I V E R S E A R T ~
My Discord (The Galactiverse) is a very in depth server comprised of 5 Planets which members can choose to be a part of upon entry. Each planet has their own Mascot which you can see here.
They are available as Prints, each with their own Chibi Sticker on KoFi
~ A N I M A L C R O S S I N G ~
I started my Animal Crossing series because of a viewer who has an obsession with skunks. In order to satiate this mighty need for a painting of a skunk, I thought I'd start an Animal Crossing series and paint them Kicks.
~ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ~
My other artwork that I've completed live on TWITCH